Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Writing Your Story

The image of a Moses-like old man or a deep reverberating voice and a lot of bright light were never the image of God that I envision meeting. First of all, if He is the all powerful entity that pulls all the strings, why appear old? Second, if God created us in His image then wouldn't he appear to be all too normal? That's how I see Him. A very happy, familiar face with a contagious smile. And I don't believe he will literally separate us from the good and the bad then damn the bad to an eternity of the agony of hell. My vision is of sitting down with my loving God and He simply says "Tell me your story".

My idea of the meaning of life is that we have the opportunity to write our story. It is that story which we will be held accountable for. If we pursued and achieved great wealth then what did we use it for? God probably won't be too impressed by what is left in your bank account when you enter His kingdom. A wall full of degree's will only give prudence to the Lord's judgement if the knowledge gained was used to create a better world. Artists who didn't use their talent will have a hard time showing results.

When we take our life's pen in hand we must write our story from back to front. Know where we want to go then bind the chapters of success and failures together in our living manuscript. We have no idea how many pages it will take to get our story to the finish. Some will write a short story that achieved more in less time while others will write page after page of good intentions that will drag on to many chapters of regrets, remorse and excuses. Some stories will be documentation of one who lived their life as 'an open book'. While others will tell a tale of surprises and humble works. The possibilities are endless. The opportunities are boundless.

Are you writing the story you want to be read by those you leave behind? If your story ends tomorrow are you prepared to share your manuscript with God? Have you used the plot twists of tragedy, loss, disappointment and failure to inspire, share courage and grow? Do you know what your story says and means?

I look forward to my chat with God. I hope we laugh a lot and get misty eyed remembering times of joy and sorrow. The story that I am writing will be easy to retell because it is not just my story but OUR story. God is and always has been a part of life. I have to keep asking myself if my works are worthy of being added to the volumes of God's library. Will he add it to his collection, or send the manuscript back for a re-write?

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