Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I still view with suspicion any sunny September morning. I remember the shock of seeing the second plane hit the World Trade Center on live TV. I feel a tinge of the numbness I felt as the days events unfolded. Confusion, fear and anger were the feelings that reigned that day. With the possibility of more attacks, chemicals like Anthrax being used, and malls (where I worked) being targets of terrorists, I started the days following 9/11 with great anxiety. It was then that I found the words of the 23rd Psalm to strengthen my resolve to go forward. "Yea though I walk through valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. For Thou art with me." I always thought that Psalm was for the dying. But it is really for the living. A reminder that the hand of God is firmly in mine as we march against those with self darkened hearts. Something I am sure the victims and hero's of 9/11 knew.

From that day I found my spiritual center. From my confusion, I found direction. From my fear, I found prayer. From my anger, I found peace. We must never forget that day, and we must never forget what we learned from that day. God bless those who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks and may they always feel the love, support and prayers of a most grateful nation.

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