Friday, September 18, 2009

Letting Go.

Everything in life is about letting go. The first thing you must do when you enter this world is let go of the security of your mother's womb. And our general reaction at the time is to wail at the loss. The first of many times we will experience the difficult situation of having to let go of something.

Family and friends. Material possessions. Emotional attachments. The list goes on and on. Everyday we are faced with the question; 'Should I just let it go?' But the answer is not always easy. Anger toward someone who has hurt you is a wall we have all built up. But can we let go of the anger and tear down the wall from our side to see if perhaps that person needs our help? Can we let go of our pride at the risk of humiliation? No good ever comes from a wall of silence. Dialogue may not give you the resolution you need, but it does give you a clearer view of the situation.

We all save things in our lives that we are not really sure why we keep around. Sentimental things that have a deep emotional connection. Reminders of something that once was. When we finally dispense with the item we rarely regret it. And we gain a freedom from the emotional dependency.

As we age we tend to get better at letting go of things. But it doesn't get any easier. In fact, we tend to have a lot more to let go of. Whether we face a slow debilitating end or a sudden snuffing out of our life, I do believe we will ultimately face the decision of having to let everything go. When I think of that last choice I will have to make, it makes it easier when it comes to my day to day options.

Whether it is material things, knowledge, talent, etc. unlike the board game, we will not win The Game of Life by what we HAVE at the end of the game, but by what we LEAVE. What we let go. I hope to face the Lord a naked man who gave of my heart and mind to all I could. I hope to give Him a soul vacant of animosity, anger, and prejudice. A soul that is cleansed of vanity, pride and arrogance. In the end, I will have to let go of that soul. It belongs to God.

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