Friday, September 25, 2009

Loving Autumn

The trees are beginning to lose their green as the days grow shorter and the temperature falls. Wildlife is everywhere, gathering their stash for the coming winter. My garden is pushing out the last fruits of my labor. A warm blanket is comforting on a cool Fall evening.

I love Autumn. To me it is the wise old season that follows the life giving spring and the fast and productive summer. Autumn is the time to look back at the previous seasons and to let nature prepare for the cold death of winter. After battling wildlife and elements in the Summer, Autumn allows me to surrender to the inevitability of my garden's demise. I still search for that last juicy tomato, or that squash that is now golden and ready for harvest. They may be far and few, but they are savored for their rarity and tenacity to survive.

The 'Autumn' years of life are much the same. I appreciate the wisdom I gather from those whose youthful greenery has faded and been replaced by a brilliant silver. I seek the last fruits of a labor made through years of knowledge gathering from those who look back on their golden Summers and youthful Springs. As they prepare for the cold, dark Winter, we in our Summer years can offer them warmth. An ear to hear their tales of standing like the mighty oak, lush and green, before the leaves began to fall and the season of their prime faded and passed, waiting for a new crop.

Like this time of year, the Autumn years are a time to see the beauty of a life's cycle. To assess what we have learned for the sake of a more bountiful harvest from the crop that will grow next spring. To pass on the knowledge we have gained to strengthen the green buds of May. They cycle continues. But each year can yield a better harvest if we take time to learn from the one we reap today.

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