Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Absence of Faith

Along the road of my journey I have crossed paths with a few people who consider themselves atheists or agnostics. At the risk of generalizing, I see they all have similar traits that may explain their lack of faith in a supreme entity. While very learned people who measure their successes in life by the degrees on the wall, the amount they spend to achieve them, and the stacks of Greek literature, novels of anti-establishment and dramatic essays of societal dissent, they completely close off their minds, hearts and spirit to the possibility of the presence of God in their lives. And they tend to think they are above all who partake in a community of worship and some even look down their noses at them. Although they say "that's fine for you but..."

Now, I am just going by the people I know, but they all come from very similar backgrounds. A troubled childhood, years of unhappiness, and bitterness toward a faith that disappointed them. This results in them being hypocritical of others. They tend to try to use science to try to dispel faith. They take the bible more literally than do those who enjoy the written word as a guide for life.

Enough of my dissection. My words today are not to direct negative thought against those who choose not to believe but to give better understanding. To gain empathy and prayers for those we tend to disregard as "on their own". To strengthen our own faith, and hopefully to open a door to the church to those who may linger outside.

Throughout our lives we are tested. Not just in our faith, but in our work ethic, through our moral compass and by our core beliefs. Passing the test always gives us the affirmation of the direction of our path to spiritual peace. And it moves us to a higher plateau that allows us to see life through a clearer point of view and to see the big picture. Being filled with the holy-spirit is something that cannot be understood until it is experienced. But we should never look at it as something that puts us above anyone else. It is a calling to extend a hand, open our heart and to bring others closer to God. While some may choose to wait for their 'death-bed conversion', we choose to make sure our affairs are in order early in life to assure our life's calling is complete. Perhaps our life's calling is to show another that it's never too late to open your heart to God. Even if is at the end of their life.

Choose to remain close to those who fail to see, feel and experience the presence of God. Live every day with the joy of God in your heart. Believe me, they are watching. Lead by example in your daily works and embrace those with hollow hearts. Spreading God's love isn't hard to do. It takes much more effort to turn away from Him. And that makes our job very easy.

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