Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fishing for Catholic Renewal

As someone who has had my differences with the Catholic church over the years, I never stray from a discussion on the merits of being, not only a Catholic, but a PRACTICING Catholic. There is a difference!

Having been raised in the Catholic church by parents who were very active in our local parish and encouraged the same from us kids, I have taken every possible view of the church. From being the sheep herded into mass each Sunday. Through my walking out and protesting changes. My years of rebellion. To finding my path to the front pew. I now confidently go to mass knowing that I have taken my faith apart to see how it works, and put it back together.

I don't want to make excuses for some church policies. Or even the lack of enforcement of others. And don't think that I am too pleased at how casual mass has become. I was born after Vatican II, but feel I would have been more comfortable with my religion BEFORE they dumbed down the mass to make it simpler. The problem with the enforcement of Vatican II reform's seems to have been the under estimating of the intelligence of the Catholic people at a time when education levels were increasing. Sunday mass has become a hand holding community sing-a-long social hour. What happened to the reverence we once held toward God's house? We used to only speak in a whisper before mass out of respect for those praying. Now the volume level before mass seems to resemble a gymnasium before a basketball game. And when did t-shirts, jeans and athletic shoes become your 'Sunday best'? Don't even get me started talking about the parents who let their children wander around the church during mass.

It is the content of the mass that I am going for. I usually choose the earliest mass, when most people are sleepy...and quiet. While you may disagree with my complaints, and prefer the openness and comfort level the church has developed, you can't deny that these observations do keep some people away.

The mentality that comes with the modern comfort level is the 'drop in/drop out' attitude. People seem to think they are entitled to partake in the sacraments on an 'as needed' basis. Marriage, baptism and burial. It seems many people think that just because their parents attended mass regularly. And because they come to church every Christmas and Easter, they are entitled to the churches blessing when their social circle expects Catholic tradition. The equivalent of only showing up to work on payday...and expecting a bonus!

It's difficult to experience the joy of weekly spiritual enrichment when you don't keep at it. Exercising your faith, like exercising your body, needs to be a commitment. It won't strengthen unless you create a routine. And like physical exercise, you WILL feel results.

I have found this path. Believe me, I was once the 'drop in/drop out' Catholic I described. And I got out of my religion what I gave. Until one day I found myself in prayer more often then usual. I found the doors to God's house still open and always welcoming me back. I also found that I can tune out the distractions during mass and experience the weekly renewal that I had such a deep need for. And it carried over to my every day life. I stopped following my personally created 'religion' in which I believed in God and said my prayers every night. I found that there is much more to faith enrichment than letting Him exist in my little world. We have to learn to exist in HIS world. The church provides guidance and structure to keep our mind and hearts on the path to eternal peace. It also helps us to create a little peace for us here on earth.

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