Sunday, March 15, 2009

Morning Prayers

Lately I have been finding the power of prayer and it's ability to bring me peace of mind and strength of body. Some people only see the repetition of phrases and old words that seam out of date and from a time when the faithful were a simpler people. While this may be true, it doesn't mean that we cannot receive the same fulfilment that our parents, grandparents and ancestors received from the simple chanting of words of devotion.

When I was a boy I fondly remember mornings with my grandmothers. It was always a special time when visiting one grandmother, or having a visit from the other. Both could always be found sitting in a chair near a well lit window. God's morning light shining onto their tattered prayer books. I would quietly enter the room, sometimes I would just pass through on the way to the kitchen, other times I would just sit nearby until Grandma finished. It was the same with both of them. A comforting smile for the start of the day. Sometimes I would hear "I'm almost finished" or "I'm praying for you kids now". You could see the faith, love and devotion on Grandma's face as she closed her prayer book and rubber banded it to the others she had already completed. I knew that someday I wanted to have that same look on my face as I started the day.

My Grandmothers weren't the only faces I could see the results of morning blessings on. My mother always seemed to be one with the spirit at mass. Especially after communion. I was always curious as to what she was praying for so intently. I only knew that when she finished, she had that same look of serenity as my Grandmothers. One hot summer, Mom volunteered me to serve (I was an altar boy) at many of the weekday masses. She would tell me I would enjoy the air conditioning in the church that we didn't have at home. Now that she is gone I realize that she was guiding me to prayer. And probably trying to shake out a few of my childhood demons.

In this past year of loss and grief, I found my way to that chair by the sunny window. My prayers are a mix of traditional, modern and a few I wrote myself. I also find myself with my rosary, calming my anxious soul, clearing my troubled mind. I know why my Mother and Grandmothers had that look of peace when they finished their prayers. They began their days by opening their hearts to God and by giving their days to Him.

I encourage you to begin this ritual if you haven't already discovered it's benefits. Here is a simple prayer to help you start:

The Good Morning God Prayer
Good Morning God!
You are ushering in another day, untouched and freshly new.
So here I am to ask you, God, if you'll renew me too.
Forgive the many errors, that I made yesterday,
and let me try again dear God to walk closer in Your way.
But Lord, I am well aware, I can't make it on my own.
So take my hand and hold it tight, for I cannot walk alone.

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