Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wanting To Be There

I walked to mass on Wednesday evening. It was Ash Wednesday. A light rain was falling, but I walked anyway. My neighbor, who has recently begun attending mass again, joined me. The church quickly filled and an unusual quiet reverence permeated the atmosphere. I looked around and was quite moved by those who, today, instead of quietly chatting before mass begins, were kneeling in prayer. Was it the current economic situation? A need for a stable force in our lives? Or were these people, like me, coming to experience lent to strengthen our love for God and to walk with Christ on his final journey? All good reasons.

It was very hard not to feel emotional by this experience of so many people, together in deep prayer. At the beginning of his homily, Father noted that he was moved by the attendance at all of the day's masses and the steady stream of people coming to self administer their ashes throughout the day. Even he seemed a bit choked up when he told the congregations that it was NOT a holy day of obligation. We were there, not because we had to be, but because we wanted to be. And you could tell by the looks on the faces around us, that we were.

How wonderful it would be if the churches of all denominations would fill up each week with people who want to be there. I am sure the unemployment rate is bringing many people back to this refuge of stability. And let's face it, in this job market, prayer helps.

We can look back at the first decade of this new millennium and see turmoil, unexpected tragedy and great uncertainty. But one common denominator is that these past few years gave us an opportunity to turn to God for comfort and guidance. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For Thou art with me;" God is always there to comfort you in his arms. But you have to WANT to be there to feel them.

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