Saturday, May 1, 2010

Prescription for Healing

It was a gray, rainy Sunday morning. And a bit early for a family gathering. But it was an important milestone. As much as it was a sad anniversary, it was a celebration of us using what we learned to face what we had been dealt.

Excusable tears occasionally swell up. Momentary reflection is marked by a brief, blank stare. In the two years since Mom's passing, we have each traveled our own path out of the darkness of grief, toward the rising sun of a new day. And we did it by following the path Mom cleared for us. Following the example she set. Mom's journey led us to prayer and faith, to the arms of our family members and to discovering our own inner abilities to overcome whatever we are dealt, knowing that God doesn't give us anything he hasn't prepared us to handle.

While we follow our Mom's example of how to get past the loss of your mother, Dad has followed his Mother's path for grieving the loss of the love of your life. Moms have a way of making sure you have what you need.

Looking back at the past two years, we can compare the before and after and find that we are more appreciative of one another. We find more time to spend with each other. Are more observant of each others struggles. Our large family is a blessing that we all realize every day. We pray more, giving thanks for what we have and putting ourselves in God's hand to guide us through difficult times.

The prescription for our healing included faith, family and following the journey of our Mother. The healing process resulted in us being stronger as a family. Finding our untapped talents. And it put us on a course of setting precedent for the younger generation. A path they will one day follow in search of answers, when we are no longer there to give them.

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