Friday, October 23, 2009

As the Clock Tics...

When life deals you a challenge you have to make it a positive, learning experience. Unemployment in a stagnant economy can be very frustrating. Searching for jobs that just aren't there. Watching businesses close, employed friends working long, stressful hours to cover the jobs cut from their workplace, and politicians living like kings showing they know how to make proclamations, but not jobs. There is so much to push us into a deep, self eroding depression. But as we travel through this difficult time we must realize that the clock is ticking on our life. It's not a stopwatch that can be paused for time to re-adjust. As the minutes, hours and days pass, we need watch the clock and continue our journey.

While I must admit I do suffer bouts of depression and frustration, I also experience a great deal of growth and inspiration. Tightening the budget of the unemployment check has helped me to sharpen my creative shopping, meal planning and entertaining skills. I don't have the excuse of too many hours at work to stop me from doing volunteer work, attend mass and use the gifts God gave me to inspire and encourage others.

As I search for employment I am guided by the job I do today. I am always on the clock. My boss is very hands on and is always there if I need help. He is forgiving when I slack off and appreciative when I give that extra effort. And I offer myself for those added difficult projects. Though I don't receive a weekly paycheck for this 24/7 career position, I do receive full benefits of spiritual growth and nurturing and a afterlife pension of eternal peace and happiness. It's a long term commitment and investment.

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