Friday, December 17, 2010

It's a Wonderful Christmas

Many movies are made to inspire us by showing us the strength and incredible endurance of the common man. No one has portrayed this better than Frank Capra. And no film typifies this with such heartwarming lessons as "It's a Wonderful Life", a holiday staple and a treasured movie that makes my top five favorites.

The lesson we get from George Bailey is that no man's life is worthless. Every one of us touches many other lives. But to delve into the story deeper and to analyze Mr. Bailey, we see that George Bailey is hardly the common man. From the beginning of the story we see that George makes ethical choices and gives to others before taking for himself. It's easy to go through life grabbing everything for yourself. Climbing corporate ladders over the backs of those who aren't as cut throat. Discarding those who need a little extra help because they aren't as strong as you. Preying on the weakness of others to build up your own wealth. We read about these people everyday. Mostly when they are on trial or are being sent to jail. We also see these people all around us. The ones who expect the world to turn around them. In reality, it's these people who wouldn't be missed if they were never born because they don't touch lives, they expect lives to touch theirs.

When I watch "It's a Wonderful Life" I think of the old adage "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Most people think that it is a natural progression. It's not. It's a choice. George Bailey made choices to do what is good and right and many others benefited from his kindness. To me, that is the greatest inspiration of the movie. Accepting the hardships of life and using them as tools to strengthening and enriching our lives.

Like the character of George Bailey, I will probably never have buildings named after me, statues or paintings made of me or volumes of books written about me. Instead I will go to my rest knowing that I reached out to those in need. Pulled up those who were down. And made life a little simpler for those who face hardships. It truly is a wonderful life. But only if you make it one!

May the holiday season bless us all with a Wonderful Life!

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