Friday, December 25, 2009

Putting Christ in Christmas and Your Life.

There is always a lot of talk this time of year about the commercialization of Christmas and the attempts to make it a non-religious holiday. How interesting that those who wish to take Christ out of Christmas still want the celebrations and gifts...just under a different name. What they don't understand is that without Christ, you are left with just another self indulgent and mass marketed attempt to display our gluttony.

Like the shepherds who came in from the fields to find the child in the manger, we must watch and listen for the calling of Christ in our own lives. While they may have been given a bright shining star to follow, we are given the words of the adult Jesus to seek and find Him. When I was hungry you gave me to eat. When I was thirsty you gave me to drink. When I was a stranger, you took me in. Naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came unto me. These are the words that are the base of work for the Sister's of Charity and by the most Blessed Mother Theresa. And Theresa did not wait for those who hungered and thirst, were strangers, naked, sick or in prison to come knocking on her door. She sought out Christ. She has now entered into the house of our Father, but leaves us a bright shining star to follow.

In these days of "work stress" and "time constraints" we find that many make excuses for not aiding Christ on His journey. Excuses for not making room at the table for Christ as the stranger. Not caring for Christ the ailing. Not visiting Christ in his prison.

This Christmas may we all see Christ in need. May we hear the call of Christ at our door. May we welcome Him into our hearts and follow Him to the house of our Father. May we truly put Christ in Christmas in our actions and not just in words.

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