Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mindful of the Ashes

I tread on ground where mourners weep
The final place where loved ones sleep.
Beneath my feet my history lies
'neath soaring planes and sunny skies.
I tread the ground where family rests
Mindful of the ashes.

Mindful of their journey's end
Their solemn graves I lovingly tend.
Reflecting on their lessons of love
I seek my peace from spirits above.
I come to pray for eternal rest
Mindful of the ashes.

Mindful of their works in life
I seek their words to end my strife.
Mindful that their journey is done
I see them in the setting sun.
I see them now in God's embrace
Mindful of the Ashes.

Mindful that from dust they came
My final rest will be much the same.
I only hope that when I rest
My spirit joins those already blessed.
And I hope that those who tend my grave
Are Mindful of the ashes.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Growing with your Friends

Black suits and extra cash for a flower arrangement were in the back of our minds. I was making mental notes of what I would say in the eulogy. Our friend was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He hated hospitals. He was ready. It was all just a matter of time. But God had a different plan for our friend. A full recovery and a prescription for a healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes you pray for things just because it's right. Though your faith in God is strong, your faith in others...well..not so much. My friend had given up and so we prayed more for an easy end then a full recovery, something we didn't see coming.

A 'new lease on life', a 'second chance', a 'reprieve'. Whatever God has given him, it is nothing short of a miracle. The Lord has once again moved in a mysterious way. But now, rather than the process of grieving, we are called to a more difficult task. To bring the appreciation of life and its blessings back to our friend. This second chance is not for him alone, but for all of us who, for the past six months have sat back and allowed him to give up. How many times do we lose someone suddenly and then wish for one more day to do and say all the things we should have? This is one time God is saying "Here you go."

My friend is a good person with a bad look on life. I am searching my bag of lessons collected along my journey to see what it is I can do to put him back on his. I could loan him the glasses I found that help me see the suffering of others. Or he could take a walk in the shoes I wear, the ones that eased my road back to prayer and meditation and the comforting traditions of the church in which I was raised. Or perhaps I can just give him my hand and lead him on his way. Much like the hand that pulled me from my darkness and toward the light of a new day.

I look forward to his journey. To see him gain purpose. To help him find the path that God placed him back on. God gave us a miracle. And it is our job to give validity to His message.

Friday, July 3, 2009

God Bless America!

Sometimes I wish our founding fathers would have added a couple of asterisk to our Constitution. Little notes to clarify what freedom means.

*This Constitution is a guideline for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". It gives you the freedom to work toward building a better nation than those our forbears left behind. It's laws can only be effective if followed, respected and under a personal oath to your creator to be responsible for your own actions.

**All elected officials who take an oath of office shall be held accountable for their promise to their constituents and their creator. Any person breaking their oath shall face judgement by their constituents and their creator.

***The "We the people" represents all citizens of the United States of America. Even the ones you disagree with and or dislike. We must always be United. Like our family, we don't have to like all of our fellow citizens, but we should love our fellow countrymen.

****Tho this document and nation does not endorse a national religion, it is not meant to suppress any particular religion by the separation of church and state. A truly free nation shall consist of all methods of worship and it's success depends entirely on the faith and belief in the righteousness of it's cause.

Even in our country's darkest hours we know that God does bless America. Our freedom is earned every day. Men and women protect our rights around the world and put their life in the hands of God to do that. We may disagree with those in power, but we must remember that a democratic majority put them there. And if the majority sees fit, shall remove them in just a few years time. As faithful Americans we put our trust in God and wait out the period of discontent by exercising our freedom of speech, and respecting that of others.

Thank you God for the blessings our nation bestows on us. Make us good citizens who make conscious decisions at home and at the ballot box. May we continue to grow as a world leader and spread the freedom to give You thanks to all corners of the world. God Bless our nation and all of its citizens.

Happy Independence day!