Monday, August 30, 2010

Step Up!

As we follow examples of those who guide us. As we idolize, emulate and hero worship those we put on pedestals, we create a training program for our future selves.

Think back on the people who've come into your life and made a difference. How much like them have you become? Did they touch your life enough to make you alter your course? Help you see with clearer vision? Did they hand you tools to give you strength and build your character in a way in which you couldn't have done on your own?

Whether they are good people who lead you by example, or people whose deafness to life's lessons remind you to open your eyes, ears and mind to the needs of the world around you, both can give you direction.

These people who take us by the hand will not always be there for us. But the lessons they taught us will be carried for the rest of our lives. They are also the lessons we must share with those we mentor, guide and teach. When the teacher is gone, it is our calling to step up. Share the tools. To lead the way.

If we are blessed with a heaven of eternal peace and happiness then we must begin to create it here on earth to prepare us for our reward. Lets not forget the messages of those who have come and gone from our lives. Remember what made them special. Their strengths and their failings. Learn from them and grow because of them. Step up and take their place when they are no longer able to. And rest assured that someone will fill our shoes as we move forward.